Becoming timeless, and not, clinging to have more time

How many times you were in the waiting area of an airport wondering how much time are you
wasting? Time to reflect, think, relax and flow, instead, an ambiguous feeling of “time wasted”
overwhelmed us with frustration and impatience, not for the time spent but for the blocking of
ideas and inspiration. Eyes fixed on the runaway, not in our inner thoughts.
Whenever you waste your time is either others’ fault or your short-minded attitude incapable to
keep the focus creatively. In the end, the personal power to change your circumstances, or even
better, without changing them although enabling an environment that allows to grow from the
inside out. Instead, the mental blockage comes along with a “logical”, “foreseeable” and “normal”
The senses of time look always tyrannical and part of an external face, not part of our internal
control. That is simply power, the capacity to make time a metronome in our side by playing with
their dramatic rhythm. The “perfect timing” supposes the measure of the steps taken for each of
our actions within total independence from the external conditions. Is this possible? Is it possible
that we construct our senses of time for our own means? A time coming from reality although only
about personal perceptions?
The passing of time is equal to everyone, but the sense of time is a personal rather intimate part
of ourselves. A personal shelter for whom the spirit and also the body progress accordingly. The
capacity to manage reality is key to balance. Indeed, balance comes from the correct
interpretation of a specific reality, the one that helps us to grow, in the correct dose of positivity
and negativity. Temporary scenarios that change steadily and relentlessly, leave the idea that the
past is the only one that we owe, the present just borrowed moments from life, and the future, the
unreachable, all contributors to a process, and not the process in itself.
We must go through the mystery of the passing of time, but always we pass through it with or
without senses of what is happening: another minute that is dying behind us and one more that is
coming in a frenetical way till we accept the serene and wise version of time perception: absolute
Each time we decide to look at the fragility of human existence, we realise the need to transform
the drama from “realistic” perceptions of time, towards the “phantasies” delivered by the power of
a “surreal” sense of time encompassing the chosen path of living.
A “productive day” is nothing more than a day for whom perceptions were different than other no
“productive day”, the time was the same: 24 hours, just your mood changed -not even your
circumstances-. However, time doesn’t change your mood, even negatively, circumstances do -if
you allow them to-. That is the reason that time is only an element to take into account, however,
is the only one visible when assessing our state of mind.
The framework of time is always confused with the very ends of our actions. Is “not a good
timing”, “tomorrow is a better day”, “the past week was better than the current one”, “once this
day passes all would be better”, etc. Is time that is running wrong, or just incapable to change it?
The latest is suggesting that we are trapped in a vicious circle for whom the only constraint, or
element that plays in our favor is a time when there is not. Few aspects of life are conditioned by
time and technological advances exposure clearly that is only one element more to make us
thrive, or fail.
For example, death: is it about time? The older you become, the closer you are to dying?. Maybe,
in terms of probabilities, not in real terms. Simply facts: there are more probabilities to die from
cancer, infections diseases, children under 5 years old, traffic accidents, etc. than for getting
older*. The age becomes only a fact. Is only the perception of reality that counts, those that focus
more on their actions, attitudes, and thoughts probably transform time into an asset rather than a
relentless, unstoppable clock.
Not always mental and body health are related to time, but to a state of mind for whom thoughts,
perceptions, and creativity plays a major role much different from the one that society wants it to
Traditional structures, institutions, and leaders make of time a goal in itself, an enemy to fight
back, that will never play on our side, an excuse for not doing it, a relief for what has not been
done, a battle for whom they are only winners. A game of challenges only for skilful players, a
smart move from a disorganised chessboard where the runaway horses make the fattest and
most effective movements ignoring the rest, a game to be won by the elite, in an individual
struggle, piece by piece, step by step.
There is no “game over”, steady mental training becomes timeless without clinging to have more
time. That it s the key to accepting reality and making fantasies about the future. Yes!, that future
that is less uncertain when we have more certainty of their mystery and that past, that is less
certain when we realise how much we grow. A present that is more certain when is lived second
to second, breath a breath, to the point that each second transform itself into one hour of
breathless passion that leads us into creativity and inspiration, precisely from the pass of time,
and not from slowing it down.
In the end, listening to the silence that the time yield at us with more or less insistency. Becoming
listeners of the voices that come with the wind. Feeling the soft touch of the rain over the
shoulders, the softness sunset from a jilted sun at night, the born of a new night under a hopeful
moon that brights even with a borrowed light. The teenager spring that sweeps with the wind any
trace of the grey winter that has been left behind, only, for a few months, until relentless, we face
a new winter equipped with the colours from the past seasons.
Time only exists in our minds, the rest is a pure, colourful, and childish scenario of light and dark,
good and evil, happiness and sadness, all dancing together in the rhythm of an eternal music,
sometimes inaudible from our stubborn mindsets, sometimes carefully listened for our hungry
hearts claiming for changes.
Each tone is timeless, and once we grow enough to merge with it, we also become timeless
creatures from a world that resists living in the present, forgets to learn from the past, and sadly,
doesn’t work for the future.

Time to live….time to thrive, although, out of time.

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